Monday, September 28, 2015

Why Curious People are Destined for the C-Suite

What is one attribute that CEOs will need to succeed in turbulent times?  Some recent surveys show the answer as CURIOSITY and OPEN-MINDEDNESS.

Is this a surprise to you?  A recent article in the Harvard Business Review explains this trend and the importance of the need.  It is less about having all the answers and more about wondering and questioning.  Leading by curiosity can help generate more ideas from all areas of an organization, while helping to raise employee engagement levels.

A Leader's primary occupation must be to discover the future.  How good are you at this?
People that do this seem to have a penchant for bringing a beginner's mind to the areas of problem solving and dealing with challenges.

Maybe it is worth your consideration.  Read more of the article  here   by Warren Berger, Sept 11, 2015  

Hope it helps..... Steve Brody,  Brody & Associates

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