Sunday, July 10, 2011

54 Critical Sales & Career Questions

I recently saw a great list of 54 critical sales, career, service, & loyalty questions for your development. How could these help you?

Questions like.....How am I helping my customers build their business?

Why did the last 5 prospects say no to us?

Why did the last 5 prospects say yes to us?

How can we build on that?

This is from author, Jeff Gitomer and his book.....The Little Red Book of Selling.

Here is the complete list:

1. What are the five most important goals for me to achieve this year?

2. What is my plan for each?

3. Why am I watching TV reruns instead of working on my 5 major goals?

4. What would happen if I lost two of my top ten customers?

5. What am I doing to prevent that loss?

6. How often am I in front of my customers?

7. Suppose my competition was in front of my customer once a day with something of valuable, and all I had was literature about me?

8. What will my website do that will make my customers buy something?

9. What will my website do that will make my customers return?

10. What does my website look like compared to my competition?

11. Do they wish they had mine or do I wish I had theirs? Or do they both suck?

12. How easy is it to do business with me?

13. Am I available to my customers 24.7.365?

14. What's my plan to get there?

15. How much do I hate a computer that answers the phone?

16. Does my company have a computer that answers the phone?

17. What am I thinking?

18. How friendly are the employees at my company?

19. How friendly am I?

20. How's my attitude?

21. Do I try to do one positive mental attitude building exercise a day?

22. What value am I bringing to my customer beyond my product and service?

23. How am I helping my customers build their business?

24. What separates me from my competition in the eyes of a customer?

25. What am I doing to earn my customers loyalty?

26. How vulnerable am I to our competition?

27. How vulnerable am I to a price reduction from a competitor?

28. Will all my best employees or co-workers be here at the end of the year?

29. Why will some customers leave?

30. What am I "known" for?

31. What am I recognized as being "the BEST" at?

32. How excellent are my selling skills?

33. What questions am I asking my prospects and customers that my competition is not asking?

34. Why did the last five prospects say no?

35. What am I doing about it?

36. Why did the last five prospects say yes?

37. How am I building on that?

38. What does my voicemail say?

39. Is my voicemail message smart or dumb?

40. How many hours of TV a day do I watch?

41. How many hours would that be per year? (OUCH!)

42. How many of those hours are helping me succeed?

43. How many books on creativity have I read in the last 12 months?

44. How many books on sales or service have I read in the last 12 months?

45. How many books have I read in the past 12 months?

46. How many self help tapes have I listened to in the car last week?

47. How much time am I devoting to learning?

48. How much time am I investing in promoting and positioning my business?

49. How much am I spending to improve my image?

50. What do the leaders in my industry say about me?

51. How many people are spreading my "word" for me?

52. What's my plan to double my income over the next three years?

53. What will i need to learn to get it? What will I have to give up to get it?

54. How much do I love what I do?

(my questions to you)

54.5 If you don't love it, why are you doing it?

Free GitBit -- Want a great list of books that will build your success library -- and your success if you read them. Go to - register if you're a first time user, and enter the words SALES PILLS in the GitBit box.

Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Red Book of Sales Answers.

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