Sunday, August 16, 2009

Narrow your Focus to Stand Out

Mktg & Leadership Insight

Does this sound like an be remembered by your audience Narrow the black or white NOT grey to your market.

There is a great tendency for business owners to want to be all things to all people. After all, this way they can appeal to the whole market, right? Why give up any possible prospect?

Actually this will make it much tougher for you to stand out in your market. Your prospect will not remember you with a clear focus. Your prospects are inundated with messages from numerous places.....especially in today's digital world.

It is remarkable what people can remember if it is focused and has some meaning.
This is what Apple accomplished with the iPod....what Google accomplished with a search tool...and what Starbucks accomplished with a coffee experience.

They were targeted to a clear and narrow niche.....people remembered.....experienced a good product or service and then ironically a very large market developed.

Try it, you just might like it!!


Gini Dietrich said...

Great blog post, especially for me as I try to figure out how to go from entrepreneur to level 5 CEO. Focus, focus, focus! My Vistage Chair was in on Friday and he was reading to me the goals we set in January. I was surprised to hear I've maintained so much focus. So it seems to be working!

But not just focus with your job, but (as you point out) also with your market niche.

Focus, focus, focus!

Doug Davidoff said...

You nailed it. Too often, especially, in difficult markets people go wide instead of deep. It feels like it "safer," after all - who wouldn't want more "hooks in the pond." As you identified, it rarely if ever works. We call it Narrow your focus and expand your yield - and it's key to growing your revenue - and profit.

Jake Jordan said...

It's so hard to get past our selfish nature to be the go-to guy/girl (gini) in your industry.

If we just work in reverse like good marketers should, we can all see that someone wants advice from and expert!

FOCUS and become an expert in your field. Great stuff, great post.